Earn points with every order and support your wellbeing for less.
We want to reward all our loyal customers who continue to purchase their nutritional supplements from us, which is why we created Cytoplan rewards. Your points can be redeemed against any order worth £5 or more. Simply select 'pay with points' at the check out anytime you want to save on your wellbeing.
You can collect points with every purchase you make, by creating an account and updating your preferences, or by referring your friends to us.
Step one:
Make a purchase and earn points
Buy your products online or over the phone and collect 5 points for every £1 you spend
Step two:
Spend your points
You can use your points against any order worth £5 or more. Select 'Use reward points', at the checkout, and any points you have on your account (from £5 up to £20) will be automatically used against your order.
Create an account
200 points
Make a purchase
5 points per £1
Update your product preferences
300 points
Practitioner referral (referrer)
1,000 points
Refered by a practitioner (referee)
1,000 points
Newsletter subscription
200 points
Click here to see our updated terms & conditions
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