
Inflammation is our body’s natural way of responding to infection, stress and illness.

There are a number of ways to reduce inflammation naturally and support this process .

Included in our antinflammatory range are products such as Curcumin, omega 3 supplements (including vegan sources), vitamin C plus many more.

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Inflammation is an important and necessary process in the body and when it is regulated and under control it is an essential component of our immune system, helping us to fight pathogens and heal from injury. It is our body's way of responding to infection, stress and illness. Inflammation is also a part of normal metabolic processes, including tissue remodelling. Inflammation is a natural short-term immune response, characterised by redness, pain, heat and swelling, and should resolve fairly quickly. This type of inflammation is protective and beneficial and should subside when the threat has passed, allowing the body to return to normal.  

In our modern world, there is an abundance of diet and lifestyle factors that can also generate inflammation such as processed food, food sensitivities, chronic stress, and toxic exposures. These factors can lead to low grade and persistent inflammation. Chronic low grade inflammation can have more elusive symptoms but can damage cells and tissues and have a negative effect on health; it is often at the root of countless health problems.  

Given the extensive range of factors that can contribute to inflammation, whether acute or chronic, it is no wonder that many of us may need some extra support at times. Including a natural anti-inflammatory supplement can help to support and balance inflammatory processes in the body and here at Cytoplan, we endeavour to provide the best anti-inflammatory supplements for health. Within our range we offer a variety of herbs and their active compounds, essential fatty acids, and key nutrients to help support a healthy immune response. 

Included in our anti-inflammatory supplement range are herbal products such as Cell-Active Curcumin, which is a natural phytonutrient and herbal complex, containing curcumin from turmeric root and gingerols from ginger root - two polyphenolic compounds. We also offer other natural nutrients such as Boswellia, Organic Turmeric and our Premium CBD. All of the herbs in our range have had a long and safe history of traditional use dating back thousands of years.  

As part of our natural anti-inflammatory supplement range we also offer a range of omega 3 supplements. There are two types of essential fatty acids - omega-3 and omega-6. The human body not only needs sufficient amounts of each but also a suitable ratio between the two. Anthropological evidence suggests that human beings evolved to consume omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in a ratio of around 1:1, however in today's Western diet, it is thought to be closer to 16:1 and therefore is shifted towards a more pro-inflammatory response. Supplementing with an omega 3 offers a direct source of the fatty acids EPA and DHA and an effective way to redress the balance with omega-6. Our omega-3 supplements come in a range of forms including liquids and capsules and are suitable for the whole family – from babies to older adults. We also offer a range of options for vegans.  

Inflammation is primarily regulated by our immune system and so further to our range we have key immune supporting nutrients, which include vitamin C. Inflammation has been linked to?oxidative stress?and so vitamin C, which contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress, is extremely valuable as an anti-inflammatory nutrient. We offer a variety of vitamin C supplements including from our gentle and effective Wholefood and Food State range. Both Wholefood and Food State vitamin C are recognised by the body in the same way as vitamin C obtained from food and come complete with the associated factors that ensure optimal absorption and retention. All of our vitamin C supplements are suitable for vegetarians and vegans, and we offer a range of forms including capsules, tablets and powders to suit individual preference.

What are the best anti-inflammatory supplements?

Omega-3 - supplementing with an omega 3 offers a direct source of the fatty acids EPA and DHA and can help optimise the ratio between omega-3 and omega-6. 

Vitamin C - is a powerful antioxidant andcontributes to the normal function of the immune system and to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. Both Wholefood and Food State vitamin C are recognised by the body in the same way as vitamin C obtained from food and come complete with the associated factors that ensure optimal absorption and retention.

Zinc - contributes to the normal function of the immune system and to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. Zinc supplements are available in a variety of different forms. Food State and Wholefood forms of zinc are used by the body in the same way as food nutrients. Zinc Citrate is a non-food form of zinc which is readily absorbed into the bloodstream.

Boswellia - is a plant native to much of India as well as Northern Africa and the Middle East and naturally contains chemical constituents including a range of boswellic acids. There is a wealth of information available online about the use of Boswellia over many years.

Curcumin - is the active component of turmeric and has a safe history of use dating back thousands of years. Research has demonstrated that the bioavailability of curcumin is generally poor resulting in low plasma and tissue levels. A supplement such as our Cell-active Curcumin is recommended as it has been developed to overcome poor bioavailability.

How can I reduce inflammation naturally? 

Fortunately, there are a number of natural ways to reduce inflammation, which include:

  • adopting an anti-inflammatory diet, which centres around unprocessed fresh wholefoods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Cutting back on sugar and processed foods is recommended as these can be pro-inflammatory 
  • choosing organic if possible - many foods can contain chemicals and residues that can contribute to inflammation 
  • getting adequate exercise, which has many benefits to health and can help to maintain a healthy weight - overweight and obesity are associated with higher levels of inflammation 
  • managing your stress - high levels of stress can contribute to inflammation
  • increasing your intake of omega 3 fatty acids by including oily fish or walnuts, flaxseeds and hempseeds
  • ensuring you are getting adequate sleep 
  • addressing any food sensitivities/intolerances 
  • including targeted supplementation - there are a number of natural anti-inflammatory supplements that can help to address inflammation
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